Basic Orienteering Kit Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Product Code : EL-WSE-10749
Basic Orienteering Kit,
This basic orienteering kit is perfect for an introduction to compasses and directions.
The kit allows a teacher to demonstrate using an oversize display compass, while the students have accurate liquid filled compasses.. The detailed teacher instructions include many activities including: learning the parts of a compass, learning directions, finding your way, string course, finding a landmark, using maps, and hidden treasure games.
Equipment is provided for 12 students (or 24 student pairs).The following items are included in the Orienteering Kit: (1) Teacher Demonstration Compass (12) Student Compasses (1) Card Set (N,S,E,W) (1) Detailed Teacher Instructions The large Teacher Demonstration Compass is non-functional so that the needle and dial stay in place when it is held up for the group to see.
It is clear so it can be used on an overhead projector.
The Student Compasses are for use in the Northern Hemisphere.
They come with a lanyard and are graduated 0 to 360 degrees in 2 degree intervals.
Each has a liquid-filled capsule, declination correction scale, luminous points, and an acrylic base. The base has a 4x magnifier.
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